Motorhead X-Torque price in Nepal (Historical)

Motorhead X-Torque price in Nepal is ascertained by SLR Techno and Trade. Over the years, we have recorded and provided you price updates of Motorhead X-Torque in Nepal. In this section, we aim to provide you the historical prices of Motorhead X-Torque variants in Nepal. We hope that past prices will be helpful for you to judge the Motorhead X-Torque in second hand market place and make informed decision. Also, it will let you understand the trend of price of Motorhead X-Torque over past few years, and the availability of different variants in those period.

For most recent update from us on price of Motorhead bikes, check: Motorhead bike price in Nepal

Motorhead X-Torque price in Nepal

Motorhead X-Torque price in Nepal – 2021

Here is the list of Motorhead X-Torque prices in Nepal in 2021. This price was updated during the month of October. In 2021, only available variant i.e. X-Torque 250 (Standard version) came at price of Rs. 3.90 lakhs in Nepal.

Motorhead X-Torque price in Nepal 2021
Motorhead X-Torque variants in Nepal Price
Motorhead X-Torque 250 [Standard version] (250cc) Rs. 3.90 Lakhs

For most recent update from us on price of Motorhead bikes, check: Motorhead bike price in Nepal

Or you can message us your queries regarding Motorhead X-Torque price in Nepal or its specifications at our Facebook page.